
Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm Back!! It's a Boy!!

Hi again! I'm back to blogging now after taking a few months off to have a baby. My new little man was born in May and I've been busy not only with him, but getting my daughter ready for kindergarten this year, too. Now that we're getting into routines again, I thought I'd get back to posting the many projects that I've been working on. I'd hoped to start posting again in August, which turned into September and then suddenly October. Phew! Time does fly by!

It's hard to see, but one of the last projects I finished before my little guy arrived (2-1/2 weeks early) was the shirt my daughter has on in the picture. Stores don't really sell 'Big Sister' shirts in size 8, so I made one for her. I used scrap material and cut all the letters out with my Big Shot and the Serif Essentials Alphabet dies. I ironed the letters onto the shirt and 'voila', there was a shirt for her to wear and show how proud she was when she came to visit us in the hospital. I wish I'd taken a picture right after it was finished when it was clean and ironed, but I didn't get a chance before I had to quickly pack her a bag to go to grandma's so I could go to the hospital. These days, the shirt is well loved (i.e. well-worn) and doesn't look as good as it once did.

Thanks for visiting again!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Elisa. I was wondering where you'd been! Your daughter sure is the proud big sister with her big smile. Beautiful family.
